
A Little About Us -

My name is Matthew Wright and I am a former Apache helicopter pilot for the U.S. Army. After the Army, we moved to the Huntsville, AL area in 2015. I met my beautiful wife at Harding University and we were married in 2003. We have been blessed with four beautiful children. I am a kidney cancer survivor and grateful to God for the life He has granted me and want to dedicate it all to Him. I am a graduate of Penn State University and have a bachelor’s degree in business. I was baptized into Christ in 1989 and have been trying my best to follow Him ever since!


My wife’s name is Colleen. She is a full-time at home educator of our children. She graduated from Harding University with a bachelor’s degree in Child Life Development. She cares deeply about the children who attend our house church and is constantly in deep study in her Bible and other books to ensure that we are raising our children in Christ and equipping them for the world and its troubles when they leave home. She was baptized into Christ in 2000 after I read her the scriptures that command it in the Bible. I love her because she always wants to follow the Bible and God first and her baptism was a great example of her willingness to immediately throw away all pre-existing denominational teachings and follow Jesus right away, all the way, and happily!